Hello world!

Hello Readers,

First of all, I would like to thank you for visiting my site.

It is really a pleasure to share a piece of my existence to everyone; with a hope to encourage, give hope and make you smile everytime. Smile

So about me, there’s really nothing much to say. I’m a married woman for more than two years now. I work as a bookkeeper in a local hardware store. My hobbies are reading, dancing, singing, crocheting, watching Youtube, visiting my Facebook page and observing (Yup, that’s really a hobby for me.haha). Basically, I’m used to a routine life but I also have a puppy and a kitty that helps my husband on distracting me of my routine.

I am not a writer but I love reading. Then one day, I overheard someone asked, “What would you really like to start? A business? A new skill? A hobby?” I answered (to myself), I really want to write! To have my own blog, to share my experiences and passions, and of course to develop my writing skills.

That’s why people, I’m encouraging you to help me in achieving my goals by sending me a message of what I need to improve and give suggestions for future posts.

Once again,

Thank You!